

 Short Notes & Question Answer

for LDCE & Dept. Exam

(P Way, Works & Bridge - Indian Railway)


Question Bank  for P Way Related Departmental Exam 

 Short Notes / Answer - P WAY

 Duties of Gatema 

गेटमेन  के कर्तव्य  

Buckling of track, Cause and prevention

Track Management System (TMS) 

  Preparation of Patrol Charts

Track Tolerances for BG Track

Repair of Rail Fracture

Criteria for Rail Renewal 

 Action on Check Rail is Broken at Level Crossing

Buckling of Track in LWR territory & its remedial measures 

Consolidation of track in LWR

Reconditioning of CMS crossing 

Void Ratio Degree of Saturation 
Maximum dry density & Optimum moister content

Safe bearing capacity 


Active Earth Pressure & Passive Earth Pressure

 Cohesive and non cohesive soils Atterberg limits 
 Design mode working of CSM

Anti corrosive treatment of plate/rail screw

Handling of 90 UTS Rails

Renewal of Rail On Major Bridges & Their Approaches  

Protection of Rail from Liner Biting

Frequency of USFD testing of Rails 

Blanketing Material

Venerable location & Manson precaution 

How to arrest the weld failure

Maintenance of CMS Xing 

Winter Precautions

Distressing of LWR 

Maintenance of PRC sleepers

Analysis of Rates

Safety at P. Way Work Site

Licensing Railway Land cultivation

 Maintenance of Insulated Joints

Cant deficiency & Cant Excess 
Types of L-Xing & Elimination of Unmanned L-Xings

Census of L- Xings

Calendar Hamilton span

Monsoon patrolling 

 Railway Affecting Works

 Sleeper Cribs 

Rail Clusters

Hot Weather Patrolling 

River Training protection work

Main duties of ADEN 

Maintenance precaution in LWR track

Permitted Location for LWR 

Thermit Welding & Quality Control

Works needing CRS Sanction 

 Inspection and maintenance of Track on Approaches of Bridges

Quality Control measures at the Renewal sites of contractors

Classification of Defects, Marking and Action taken in USFD

Transitions, safe speed and super elevation on curves
 List out work required CRS sanction before execution at site 

Short Notes / Answer - WORKS

 Water cement Ratio

Static & Pumping Water Level

Leaky Roof Treatment

Basic Passenger Amenities 

Pre and post stressed concrete structure

Initial & Final Setting time of Concrete 

 Workability of Concrete

 Curing of Concrete

Fineness modulus

Contour & Contour interval 

Design of concrete mix

Honey Combing of Concrete & its prevention 

Active Earth Pressure & Passive Earth Pressure

Chlorination of Water 

Optimum moisture content & maximum dry density

Concrete mix design.

Fabrication of Glued joint IN SITU

Components of the Well Foundation 

Tiles and Chequered Tiles

 Pile Foundation 

Controlled Concretes 

 Inspection of Fob and Other Steel Structure 

Chlorine demand

Chlorination Practices

Quality of drinking water

Residual Chlorine

Disinfection of water

Disposal of Human Waste 

Permitted Location for LWR


Soil Consistency


Selection of ceramic/vitrified tiles for building work

Various Methods of Chlorination in Railway Colonies and Station

Water closets and urinals, Flushing cisterns, wash basin

Setting Out of Circular Curve by Theodolite and Tape Method.


Types of Bearings in Bridge

Causes of rehabilitation of bridges  

Numerical rating system (NRS)

Schedule of Inspection of Bridges 

Distressed bridges 

Distressed bridges and schedule of inspection by official 


BOT / BOOT Schemes

Analysis of Rates

Grow More Food Scheme 

 Completion report

Zonal Work Contracts

 Security Deposit

Tender Committee

Local Purchase

Single Tender

Limited Tender

Open Tender

Special Limited Tender 

Control Over Expenditure

Letter of credit 

Earnest Money

Imprest Store 

Stock Sheet

Imprest Store, Charged of store & Surplus Store 

Minimum Wages Act





 Question & Answer P WAY

Q. & Ans. Describe in details procedure for removal of track man from service including appeals, reviews etc. 

 Q. & Ans. Explain duty of first engineering official reaching at accident site.

Q. & Ans. What inspection an AEN on open line is required to carryout & it what Periodicity?

Q. & Ans.  Describe Duty & sequence of Assist. Officer at a major accident site  as AEN 

Q. & Ans – What are functions of Ballast? – Civil Engineer & P Way

Q. & Ans - Describe the benefits of tamping in design mode. Also write down the pre tamping and post temping operations for tamping of T/outs including the points to be observed during tamping of turnouts for better retention of packing?

Q. & Ans-  Indicate the various stages involved in acquiring land for a new line project.

Q & Ans - What is the difference between insulated joint and glued insulated joint?

Q. & Ans - What precautions are to be taken during deep screening by BCM, followed by tamping machine & DTS?

Q.& Ans - What are important points to be kept in mind to maintain switches in good condition?

Q & Ans - What common tests are conducted on cement? Name the various admixtures for use with concrete.

Q & Ans - What are different types of cement in use for variety of construction work.

Q & Answer - What are the different types of Engineering surveys under taken before construction of a new line/ Explain their scope and significance.

Q & Ans - Describe in details procedure for Procedure of distressing with rail tensor in LWR & CWR territory. 

Civil Engineering - Works)

Q. & Ans - What are the main cause of crushing of PRC sleeper in washable aprons and what are the remedial measures?

Q & Answer - Related to Rain Water Harvesting