Q1. Who is the authority to declare a post as selection or non-selection?
a)GM b)PHOD c)Rly.Board d)DRM
Ans: c) para 212 of IREM’89
Q2. How many members will be there in a Selection Board for forming a panel in selection posts?
a)5 b)3 c)4 d)1
Ans: b) Para 218(a) of IREM
Q3. In case of selection post, the vacancy will be calculated on the basis of
a) Existing vacancy b) Anticipated vacancy c) Resultant vacancy d) All of the above
Ans: d) Para 215 (f) of IREM’89
Q4. In case of selection, anticipated vacancy will be taken into account for the:-
a) Next 4 months b) Next 6 months c) Next 12 months d) Next 15 months
Ans: d) (Estt.Srl.No.160/97)
Q5. What number of staff are to be called in a selection of Gr ’C’ post?
a) Equal to the number of vacancy b) 3 times the number of vacancy c) 5 times the number of vacancy d) None of the above
Ans: b) (Estt.Srl.No.290/76)
Q6. Modified selection will be held on the basis of:-
a) Written test b) Viva-voce c) Written test and Viva-voce d) Service record and confidential report
Ans: d) (Estt.Srl.No. 4/04)
Q7. An employee belonging to general community must secure how many marks for becoming eligible to be empanelled?
a) 30 marks out of 50 for professional ability b) Over all 50 marks out of 100 c) Over all 40 marks out of 100 d) 60% in overall aggregate including 60% in professional ability and viva-voce
Q8. Second supplementary selection may be held with the personal approval of :-
a) CPO b) DRM c) GM d) Rly.Board
Ans: a) (Estt.Srl.No.181/86)
Q9. A panel once approved may be cancelled after obtaining the approval of:-
a) Selection Board b) Authority who approved the panel c) Authority next higher than one who approved the panel d) GM
Ans: c) (Estt.Srl.No.32/69)
Q10. What percentages of marks are to be obtained in the selection for being declared “outstanding”?
a) 50% b) 60% c) 80% d) 70%
Ans: c)
Q11. An employee belonging to reserved community must secure how many marks for becoming eligible to be empanelled against reserved vacancy?
a) 25 marks out of 50 for professional ability b) Over all 60 marks out of 100 c) Over all 40 marks out of 100 d) 50% in overall aggregate
Ans: d)
Q12. The life of a selection panel is:-
a) 6 months b) 1 year c) 2 years d) None of these
Ans: c) para 220 of IREM’89
Q13. In selection posts if the required number of staff of reserved community against reserved posts is not available even by applying relaxed standards of examination, the best among the failed candidates, who secure only ____ % of the marks under each of items of judging the suitability of the candidates, will be promoted on ad-hoc basis with in-service training.
a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 25%
Ans : c) (Estt.Srl.No.230/85) |
A. Objective: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1._________________ is competent to extend the currency of the selection panel.
2.________ % of marks are allotted for Professional ability if there is no viva voce.
3._________ % of marks are allotted for Professional ability if there is viva voce.
4.The currency of the panel can be extended for a period of ________ with the approval of ___________.
5.__________ is the competent authority to permit second supplementary written test in a selection post.
6.The candidates who secure __________ % of marks or above in aggregate shall be classified as outstanding in a selection.
7.For selection to the post in scale Rs. 5500-9000, the selection board shall consist of ______________.
8.For selection to the post in scale Rs. 5000-8000, the selection board shall consist of ______________.
9.The trade test shall be conducted by _______________.
10.Selection posts shall be filled by a __________ of selection made by selection board from amongst the staff eligible for selection.
11.The positive act of selection shall consist of only __________ to assess the professional ability of the candidates.
12.In case of selection to the post of Teachers the positive act of selection consist of both ________ and _________.
13.A reasonable _________ notice should be sent to the candidates before the date of examination.
14.The staff in the immediate lower grade with a minimum of _________ service in that grade only will be eligible for promotion.
15.If a junior is eligible for promotion, his senior also will be eligible for such promotion, although ____________.
17. The positive act of selection for promotion to Loco Pilot (Passenger) will consist of __________ only to assess the professional ability of the candidates after passing the prescribed promotional course.
18.Eligible staff up to _______ times the number of staff to be empanelled will be called for the selection.
19.Persons who have expressed ____________ should not be reckoned in the zone of consideration.
20.The assessment of vacancies for a selection post will include the existing vacancies and those anticipated during the course of next ________ months.
21.In case of selection to ex-cadre posts, actual vacancies plus those anticipated in the next ________ should be taken into account for the purpose of assessment.
22.In regard to selection posts, it is essential that all the selections are conducted ________ in a regular manner.
23.In case holding of next selection becomes necessary, the same may be held after a minimum gap of __________ from the date of approval of the pervious panel.
24.In case of filling up of selection posts in safety categories, if it becomes necessary to hold the next selection within a gap of six months, the same may be held with the personal approval of ____________.
25.Selection Board may be constituted under the orders of _______ or _________ or _______ not lower than a DRM/ADRM/CWM.
26.Selection Boards shall consist of not less than _________ officers.
27.One of the selection board members shall be a _________ and one of the members shall be from a department other than ___________.
28.For selection posts in scale Rs. 5500-9000 and above, the selection boards shall consist of officers of ___________.
29.The answer books in a selection are invariably evaluated by a member officer of the department _____________.
30.In written test held as part of the selection for promotion to the ___________ grade selection post in a category, objective questions should be set for ______% of the total marks.
31.In the written test held as part of the selection for promotion to other lower grade selection posts, objective type questions should be set to the extent of about _____% of the total marks.
32.Maximum marks allotted in selections to posts within Group C for professional ability shall be __________.
33.Maximum marks allotted in selections to posts within Group C for record of service shall be __________.
34.Maximum marks allotted in selections to posts within Group C for seniority shall be __________.
35.The qualifying marks for professional ability in selections to posts within Group C shall be ________.
36.Candidates must obtain a minimum of _______% marks in professional ability and _______% marks in of the aggregate for being placed on the panel.
37.In cases where both written and viva voce are part of selection, criteria for written test should not be less than ______ marks and the candidates must secure _____ % of marks in written for being called for viva voce.
38.In cases of selections where both written and viva voce tests are prescribed for selection, notional seniority marks are added to decide the eligibility for _______.
39.In case of selections to ex-cadre posts and posts filed by calling for volunteers, __________ marks will not be added to decide the eligibility for viva voce.
40.The names of the candidates should be arranged on the panel in the order of _____.
41.The candidates securing _______% or more marks in a selection are graded as outstanding.
42.The candidates graded as outstanding and are allowed to supersede not more than _________ % of total field of eligibility.
43.The panels drawn by Selection Boards and approved by the competent authority shall be current for _________ years.
44.The selection panels are current for 02 years from __________ or ________ whichever is earlier.
45.Removal of a Railway servants name from the panel would require the approval of ____________.
46.For automatic empanelment, the original Group C post, the intermediate Group C selection post and the present post held by the employee are all in the same __________.
47.For automatic empanelment, none of the posts in question is a _______ post for which several categories of staff are eligible.
48.Not more than ________ supplementary selection/s should normally be held to cater to the needs of absentees.
49.A second supplementary selection should be held rarely with the personal approval of ___________ 49ased on merits of each case.
50.The employee refusing promotion expressly or otherwise is debarred for future promotion for ________.
51.Refusal to officiate on promotion at the same station may be taken as ________.
52. An employee may officiate in higher grade on ad hoc basis for ______ weeks without passing trade test.
53.In case promotional course has been prescribed as a pre-requisite condition to promotion, the employee may be allowed _____ chances to pass the course at the cost of administration.
54. Staff promoted to rectify the administrative error may be on ___ basis.
56.In case of proforma promotion, the pay may be allowed from ________.
57.In case of proforma promotions, arrears are not admissible since the employee concerned shoulder ___________.
58.The question whether the promotion/appointment of a particular Railway servant to a post was erroneous or not should be decided by an authority _________ than the appointing authority.
59.Whether the appointing authority is the President or Railway Board, the decision regarding erroneous promotion should rest with _________.
60.In selection posts of a cadre, the marks allotted under the head seniority is ________.
61.In selection posts of a cadre, marks allotted under head record of service is ____.
Say True or False | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. The head personality, leadership etc.,for assessment of the suitability of a candidate in selections is done away with. 2. Selection posts are filled in on the basis of the rule of seniority cum suitability. 3.Filling up of a single post in single post cadre without applying reservation on ad hoc basis is permissible.
4. The vacancies that arise due to likely acceptance of voluntary retirement/resignation shall be counted as anticipated for assessment of vacancies.
5.The vacancies that arise due to staff likely to go on transfer to other Railways/Divisions during
the period under consideration shall be counted as anticipated for assessment of vacancies.
6. Grace marks may be allowed by the paper evaluating officer in individual cases.
7. Correction in the evaluation sheet for selection, should be attested by at least one of the committee members.
8. In case a senior person in a selection panel does not officiate in the higher grade for reasons of his own, it is implied that he has refused the promotion
9.Promotion after one year will be subject to continued validity of the panel in which he is borne, otherwise he will have to appear again in the selection.
10 At the end of one year if the employee again refuses promotion at the outstation, his name may be deleted from the panel.
11.Deletion of the name from the panel, due to refusal of promotion at outstation at the end of one year of refusal period, shall be automatic and no approval is needed.
12.The employee refused promotion will rank junior to those promoted from the same panel earlier to him.
13.The employee refused promotion will rank junior to those promoted during the refusal period from a panel as a result fresh selection subsequently held during the refusal period.
14.Refusal of promotion has no relevance to a particular post at a particular station.
15. Refusal to officiate on promotion at the same station may be taken as refusal to work and attracts disciplinary action.
16.Trade Test may comprise of both oral and practical to be held simultaneously.
17.There shall be no separate oral test not forming part of trade test for artisan categories for the purpose of screening them.
18.Exemption may be given from passing a prescribed promotional course in deserving cases.
19. In case promotional course has been prescribed as a pre-requisite condition to promotion, any chances allowed beyond three is at the cost of employee.
B. Descriptive: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.Explain the process of filling up of the vacancies in a selection post from the stage of assessment of vacancies to empanelment.
2.Explain the process of filling up of the vacancies in a non-selection post.
3.Explain the provisions regarding Trade Tests for artisan categories.
4.What is erroneous promotion?What action is suggested in the rules to deal with the erroneous promotions?
5.Write Short notes on:
(i) concept of anticipated vacancies. (ii) assessment of vacancies
(iii) selection to persons on deputation.(iv) Currency of panels (v) Automatic empanelment (vii) Supplementary selections.
6.In a selection to fill up 04 vacancies (03 UR and 01 ST) in OS/Gr.II in Mechanical Department, a selection was conducted and the following are the marks obtained in the selection.
Please draw the panel.