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General Definition


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Schedule-I (Duty Pass)


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Schedule-II (Pass On Privilege Account)


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Schedule-III (School Pass)


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Schedule-IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Passes)


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Schedule-V (Widow Pass)


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Schedule-VI (Residential Card Pass)


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Schedule-VII (Special Passes)


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See also Pass rules & Circulars 






In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following Rules, regulating the issue of passes and privilege Ticket Orders to Railway servants, for travel by trains namely:-

Pass Rules 

  1.            Short Title, Commencement and Application:

  2.     These Rules may be called the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986.

  3.     They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

  4.      Except where specifically provided to the contrary they shall apply to all railway servants under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) but shall not apply to :-

                   i.          an apprentice engaged under the Apprentices Act ;

                  ii.          a person in the casual employment or employed on daily wages

                iii.          any person under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways who by a general or special order is, excluded from the facilities of Pass or a Privilege Ticket Order under these rules.

  1.  Definitions : In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-

  2.            'adopted child' means a child for whom there is satisfactory proof of adoption irrespective of the fact whether such adoption is permissible or not under the personal law governing the railway servant concerned.

  3.            'attendant' means a person exclusively employed on salary in the personal service of a railway servant.

  4.            'dependent relative' in relation to a railway servant, whose father is not alive, means:-

                                i.             mother including a divorced mother;

                              ii.             unmarried or widowed sister;

                             iii.             brother/step-brother under twenty one years of age provided he resides with and is wholly dependent on the railway servant;

                            iv.             invalid brother of any age, and

                              v.             brother who has attained the age of twenty one years and is a bonafide student of a recognised educational institution:

                            vi.             legally divorced sister.*

                           vii.             Widow mother-in-law in case of widows appointed on compassionate grounds, whether her father is alive or not. **

  * Added vide Bd's lr No.E(W)98PS5-1/51 dtd. 13/10/1998 (ACS No. 11)

 ** Added vide Board's letter No.  E(W)2001 PS5-1/3 dated 24/09/2001  (ACS No. 37)

Provided that a person shall not be considered to be a dependent relative if his/her income from all sources including pension, dearness relief, etc. exceeds 15% of pay per month of the Railway servant or the amount arrived at by adding Rs. 1500+Dearness Pension/Dearness Family pension to the dearness relief admissible to the pensioners/family pensioners on pension of Rs. 1500 and rounded off to the nearest ten rupee figure, whichever is more.

Provided further that a Pass or Privilege Ticket Order may be issued in favour of dependent relatives mentioned at (iv) and (v) only on production of a certificate from a Railway medical officer or the head of the recognised institution, as the case may be.

{ The income ceiling for dependent relatives for the purpose of issue of passes/PTOs has been fixed at Rs.3038/- p.m ( Rs.1500- Pension/Family Pension plus Rs.750 DP + 35% DR thereon or 15% of the pay of the Railway servant whichever is more, w.e.from 1.1.2007 ( Authority: Board's letter No. E(W)97PS5-1/71   dated 15/5/2007 (RBE 178/2006) SCR S.C.No.80/2007}

Provided further that dependent relatives may be included in the Privilege Passes/PT0s given to the railway servants in cases where father is missing for a period of at least 7 years Passes/PT0s can also be given to the sisters in similar circumstances. However, an affidavit as to the period since when the person is missing, duly attested by a Magistrate is necessary.

  1.         'family' includes:-

                             i.                spouse of a railway servant whether earning or not;

                           ii.                son or sons who have not attained the age of 21 years and are wholly dependent on the railway servant;

                          iii.                son or sons of the age of 21 and above who are;

  1.            bonafide students of any recognised educational institution;

  2.            engaged in any research work and do not get any scholarship/stipend;

  3.            working as an articled clerk under the Chartered Accountant;

  4.            invalid, on appropriate certificate from Railway Doctor;

                                               iv.        unmarried daughters of any age whether earning or not;

                                                 v.        widowed daughters provided they are dependent on the railway servant;

                                               vi.        legally divorced daughter who is dependent on the railway servant;

  1.  the term "Guardian' need not necessarily be interpreted in its legal sense. It may mean an adult dependant relative or an adult member of the family; a paid nurse Governess or an attendant. When none of these are available a pass in favour of a Guardian, as admissible under these Rules, may be given to another person at General Manager's discretion.

  2.    'Pass' means an authority given by the Ministry of Railways or any railway administration to a person, authorising him to travel by rail gratuitously;

  3.  'privilege ticket order' (hereinafter referred to as P.T.O.) is an authority issued in favour of a railway servant which may be exchanged for a passenger rail ticket on payment of one third of the normal fare;

  4.  'railway servant' means a person who is a member of a service or who holds a post under the administrative control of Railway Board and includes a person who holds a post in the Railway Board. Persons lent from a service or post which is not under the administrative control of the Railway Board to a service or post which is under such administrative control do not come within the scope of this definition. This term excludes casual labour for whom special orders have been issued.

  5.    'recognised educational institution' for the purpose of these Rules means any school, college, university or institution recognised by the Government for imparting education or training in any discipline - general, technical, professional or military.

  6.    'pay' means the amount drawn monthly by a railway servant as

                                                   i.        basic pay;

                                                 ii.        in the case of Running Staff, basic pay plus 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time;

                                                iii.        any other pay which may be specially classified as pay by the President.

{Non practicing allowance granted to Railway medical officers should not be added to pay for the purpose of determining pass benefits/ facility}( Bd?s Lr.No.E(W)2000 PS 5-1/10 dt. 23.1.2002 ( SCR S.C.No.29/02}


                                i.             "Set" means one Pass or P.T.0 for outward and return journeys ;

                              ii.             "Half-set" means a Pass or P.T.0 issued from one station to another.

  1.      'schedule' means the Schedule appended to these Rules.

  2.  'year' means a Calendar Year.

##Note : For the purpose of issue of Special Pass on medical grounds under Schedule-VII, the term "family" and "dependant relatives" shall be as defined in paras 601(5) and 601(6) respectively of IRMM,2000.

 ## Note added vide Board's letter No. letter No.  E(W)2000 PS5-1/33 dated 20/10/2000 (ACS No. 29)

  1.    Officer or authority competent to issue and sign a Pass or PTO. - A pass or PTO may be issued by such officer or authority and may be signed by such officer as the Central Government (Ministry, of Railways) may from time to time specify:

Provided that until such authorities or officers are specified, the Pass or PTO shall be signed and issued in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Railways and in force at the commencement of these Rules.

  1.    Kinds of Passes : 

  2.    A railway servant or the entitled members of his/her family and dependent relatives as defined in these Rules may be issued the following kind of passes, namely:

                                                   i.        duty pass;

                                                 ii.        privilege pass including passes while on deputation;

                                                iii.        school pass;

                                               iv.        post-retirement Complimentary pass;

                                                 v.        widow pass

                                               vi.        residential card pass; and

                                              vii.        special pass.

  1.    The Passes specified in clause (i) of sub-rule (1) may be issued in the form of metal pass, a card pass or a cheque pass.

  2.    Duty Pass :

  3.  A railway servant may be issued a duty pass for performing journey on duty; and

  4.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions subject to which a duty pass may be issued under sub rule (1) shall be specified in Schedule 1.

  5.    Privilege Pass :

  6.  A railway servant may be issued on his/her request a privilege pass or a privilege ticket order in the prescribed format (Annexure A) from one station to another as requested by him/her. Privilege Passes / P.T.Os are admissible for self, family, dependent relatives and adopted child, as defined in these Rules; and

  7.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions under which a pass under sub-rule(1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule II.

  8.    School Pass: 

  9.  A school pass may be issued to the son or daughter of a railway servant who is a bona-fide student of any recognised educational institution; and

  10.  The category of railway servants whose son or daughter may he issued a pass under sub-rule (1), the circumstances and the conditions subject to which such Spasses may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule III.

  11.    Post-retirement Pass:

  12.  a post-retirement complimentary pass may be issued to a railway servant after retirement or after he ceases to be a railway servant; and

  13.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule (1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule IV.

  14.    Passes to widows of Railway Employees:

  15.  Passes may be issued to the widows of railway employees, who were in Railway service on or after 12.3.1987 and expired on or after that date whether after their retirement or during service and had opted for the scheme or were automatically governed under the scheme; and

{widows of Railway employees who were in service before 12.3.87 as well as widows of railway servants who have opted out of the scheme of widow pass have also been made eligible for widow pass, on one time payment of Rs. 250 towards the cost of 2 sets of PTO vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)95PS5-1/29 dated 24.04.1998 & Board's letter No. E(W)98 PS5-1/55 dated 12.03.2001 (RBE 52/2001)}

{Widows can draw complimentary passes from Railway Offices located in or near their place of residence} Bd?s letter No.E(W)85/PS5-8/2 dt. 25.9.96, SCR S.C.No.85/97)

  1.  The circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule (1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule V.

  2.   Residential Card Pass:

  3.  A residential card pass may be issued to a railway servant for performing rail journey from the place of residence to the place of his work; and 

  4.  The category of railway servants, the circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule(1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule VI.

  5.   Special Pass :

  6.  A special pass may be issued to Railway servants, family members or dependent relatives as the case may be, on -

  7.    medical grounds;

  8.    sports account;

  9.    for attending children camp or scouts camp;

  10.    cultural functions; and

  11.    on any other occasion which the Ministry of Railways or a Railway Administration deems fit.

  12.  The circumstances and the conditions subject to which a pass under sub-rule(1) may be issued shall be as specified in Schedule VII.

  13.    Pass or P.T.0 for non-railway servants. - Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules, a pass or P.T.O. may be issued to a person who is not under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways or the Railway Administration for such purpose and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in the instructions issued by the Central Government (Ministry of Railways) from time to time in this behalf.

  14.    Loss/ Misuse/ Fraudulent use of Passes & Privilege Ticket Orders. - Instructions given in Annexure 'B' may be followed for dealing with Loss/ Misuse/ Fraudulent use of Passes and P.T.0s.

  15.     Powers of General Managers to Condon irregularities. - G. Ms. are authorised to consider on merits and condone the irregularities in the cases enumerated in Annexure 'C'. These powers shall not be re-delegated to any lower authority.

  16.    Income tax/ Monetary value of Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders. - Monetary value of passes and privilege ticket orders is not subject to income tax.

  17.    Status of Pass Manuals etc.,. - The provisions contained in Pass Manuals issued by the respective Railway or any other provisions on Passes contained in any other Manual/Rules etc. shall be valid provided it is not in contravention with the provisions laid down in these Rules.

  18.    Powers to Modify etc.,. - Powers to include, modify, amend or delete or relax any of the provisions contained in these Rules shall vest with the Ministry of Railways.

  19.    Removal of Doubts. - If any doubt arises as to the interpretation of the provision of these rules, the same shall be referred to the Ministry of Railways for decision.



[See Rule 5]




Kind of Pass to which entitled

Conditions of entitlement








Group 'A' & Group 'B' Officers


Chairman and Members of Railway Board including Financial Commissioner for Railways and Officers who are equal in grade and status, Chief Commissioner for Railway Safety and General Managers of Railways, Production Units and other Establishments etc. and all other officers in the scale of Rs. 24,050-26,000 or above who directly report to the Railway Board.

[Corrected vide letter No. E(W)97 PS5-1/48 dated 8.11.1999 (RBE 286/1999) ACS No. 19]

'Gold Pass'

Gold Pass holder while travelling with members of his family is entitled to travel in any class over Indian Railways.

Note: While travelling with family the holder of a Gold Pass may have (a) not more than two berths in first A.C. class and two berths in A.C Sleeper/First Class or (b) not more than four berths in A.C. Sleeper/first Class. Permitted to carry a dog in case First A.C./first Class Coupe is allotted exclusively.


Senior Administrative Grade officers of the Railways and in Railway Board or Heads of the Department of the Railway Administrations.

'Silver Pass'

Entitles the holder to travel on Indian Railways alone in any class, or alongwith his family in any Class other than First A.C. Class, or alongwith his family in  First A.C. class on payment of one third difference of fare between First A.C. Class and A.C. Sleeper for his family or one berth in First AC for the pass holder & AC Sleeper for his family , subject to reserving a maximum number of four berths.


All Officers of the Ministry of Railways and Railway Administrations drawing a basic pay of Rs. 14300/- and above in administrative Grade other than those referred in (a) and (b) above.

{ b & c amended vide Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)2007 PS5-1/3 dated 4.5.2007(RBE 72/2007) ACS 54} ( SCR S.C.No.77/2007)

'Bronze Pass'

Entitles the holder to travel on Indian Railways alone in any Class or along with his family in any class other than First AC Class or alongwith his family in First AC Class on payment of 1/3rd difference of fare between First AC class and AC Sleeper class for his family or one berth in I-AC for the pass holder & AC Sleeper for his family subject to reserving maximum number of four berths. However, for travelling in First AC class, while on duty, the following authority should be issued by the Railway Administration.

No. ............... Dated .........
Not Transferable
Shri/Smt. .........................
Designation ......................
holder of Bronze Pass No. ____ is eligible to travel in First AC Class ( Self only) without payment of any additional charge, while travelling on duty.

For General Manager
................. Railway

This authority should be carried by the officer while travelling on duty. The issuing authority should maintain a register for this purpose wherein issue of each such authority slip should be entered.

Note: In the event of loss of the above authority a duplicate authority letter be issued without payment of any penalty. An endorsement that it is "duplicate" be made on the authority letter.


All Officers of the Ministry of Railways and Railway Administrations in J.A. Grade except those mentioned at (a) to (c) above.

'Bronze Pass'

Entitles the holder to travel on Indian Railways in any Class other than First AC class along with his family, subject to reserving a maximum number of four berths.


Officers of the Railway Administration other than those referred to in (a), (b) & (c) above.

'Bronze Pass'

Entitles the holder to travel over his Zonal Railway alone or along with his family in any class other than First AC Class, subject to utilisation of maximum number of four berths.


Officers of the Ministry of Railways other than those mentioned in (a) to (d) above whose duties necessitate frequent journey.

Card Pass for First Class 'A'

Entitles the holder to travel in a class other than First AC on Indian Railways alone or along with his family between the stations and for the period mentioned in such pass, subject to utilisation of maximum number of four berths


All other Officers of the Ministry of Railways and Railway Establishments

Cheque Pass for First Class 'A'

Entitles the holder to travel in a class other than First AC on Indian Railways alone or along with his family between the stations mentioned in such pass, subject to utilization of maximum number of four berths


Note :- Notwithstanding the above provisions, Card Passes with All India validity, may be issued to below JAG officers/staff with the personal approval of General Manager, on merit of each case. The power may be exercised very rarely and judiciously should not be delegated further.

[ Note inserted vide ACS No.  39  Issued vide letter No. E(W)2000PS5-1/21 dated 26.09.2002]


Group 'C' & Group 'D' Officers

a) 'Card Pass' for the same class to which the railway servant is entitled on privilege provided his duties require frequent journey.


(i) 'Cheque Pass' for the same class to which the railway servant is titled on privilege account

Entitles the railway servant to travel alone between the stations and for the period mentioned in the Card Pass.



  1.    Return Pass for Family : If a railway servant of Group 'A' or 'B' is required to cut short his tour and/or return to headquarters by air or by some other means of transport leaving behind his family, he may be allowed return journey pass of the same class as on privilege account for his family to enable them to return to the headquarters

  2.    The family of a probationer in Group 'A' may be included in the duty pass when accompanying him during the period of probation on his journey to and from different places of training.

  1. (a) A 'Member' of the Railway Board, which term includes the Chairman, Railway Board and the Financial Commissioner of Railways, for the purpose of these rules, shall be entitled when travelling on duty, to be provided with one standard gauge saloon for his exclusive use.

b)   When a Member is travelling in his saloon on a Gold Pass, his family (wife and children but no other dependents) may travel with him in his saloon free of charge.

c)   Any other person excepting bonafide servants travelling with a railway officer in his saloon/Inspection carriage must pay the usual fares to the railway by the purchase of first class tickets and in every bill for travelling allowance in respect of a journey performed in a saloon, the officer concerned should specify the number of such persons who travelled with him and certify that necessary tickets were purchased by them.

d)   The entire cost of haulage of the saloon shall be borne by the Govt. If a railway officer desires additional accommodation for his private staff or luggage, the haulage and other charges for such accommodation shall be met at his expense.

e)   Provision regarding Cycle/ Motor Cycle on duty : A Bicycle/ Motor Cycle may be permitted in a duty cheque/card/metal pass provided the pass issuing authority is satisfied that the inclusion of a Bicycle /Motor Cycle in a duty pass is justified in the interest of official work.

f)    Restrictions regarding travel on Nilgiri & Darjeeling Himalayan Railways : Duty passes are not admissible over the Nilgiri Railway during the months of April, May and June, except to Officers of Groups A and B of Railways. Bicycle/Motor Cycle is not permitted in the duty cheque/ card/metal passes over Darjeeling Himalayan Section of Northeast Frontier Railway.

g)   Group 'A' and 'B' officers are entitled to travel in rail car on Kalka-Simla Section while on duty.

h)   The following instructions in respect of Duty Card Passes should be followed: -

                                   i.        General duty card passes available for the use of staff as "One Clerk" or "One Inspector" etc. should not be issued.

                                 ii.        Wherever inescapable, duty card pass in the name of a particular person who is required to tour frequently may be issued by name with passport size photographs affixed on the card pass duly stamped.

                                iii.        Whenever reservation is made on duty card pass, the reservation office should make entry in the card pass. The holder of the pass should also indicate the details of the journeys in the annexure attached to the card pass failing which he would be treated as travelling without valid authority.

                               iv.        The controlling officer should check the entry in the annexure of the card pass at the time of counter-signing TA bill of the staff concerned and give a certificate in the TA bill that entries have been checked from the card pass.

                                 v.        Ticket checking staff should ensure that the railway employees travelling on Card pass have indicated the detail of the journey in the annexure attached to the card pass.

{ Duty card pass holders should necessarily fill up the Annexure regarding each and every journey undertaken on the duty card passes. Journeys undertaken without entry in the Annexure after 30.6.2002 will be treated as traveling without ticket and dealt with as per extant rules. (Auth: Bd's lr No. E(W)2002PS5-1/10   dtd 21/05/02 )}

  1.    Railway employees travelling on duty are exempt from payment of Supplementary Surcharge levied in certain fast/ex?press trains along with their family members accompanying the officer on duty.

  2.    An attendant in second class is allowed to travel free while accompanying the Railway servant travelling on Metal, First A and First Class Duty Passes.

Note : 

  1.    Duty Passes are not admissible during leave other than casual leave taken in continuation of period of duty.

  2.    Metal passes/Duty passes as the case may be, should be surrendered by the employee when proceeding on any kind of leave except CL or on transfer or when he/ she is dismissed or removed or discharged from service.

{ Officers need not surrender Metal Pass after availing of LAP for a short period after performing outstation duty away from Headquarters and use the Metal Pass during return journey from the station from where they proceeded on leave. Authority:  Board's letter No. E(W)99PS5-1/10 dated 9.9.2002 (RBE 156/2002) }

  1.    It Will be the responsibility of the Railway servant to surrender his Metal Pass or duty card pass or to pay the penalty therefor if lost, before demitting the office on superannuation or otherwise. The Railway servant must obtain the 'No Objection Certificate' from the Pass Section and submit it to the concerned authorities before his settlement dues are released.

Note 3 inserted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)99PS5-1/10 dated 31.5.2000 (RBE No. 104/2000) ACS No. 22.

  1.    For travel by cabs of EMU trains on duty, necessary endorsement on Duty Card Passes may be made.

Travel facilities for Indian Railway Personnel over Konkan Railway on duty issued vide Railway Board's Letter No. E(W)96 PS5-1/15 dated 9.4.1999(RBE 73/1999)





Rajadhani Express

Shatabdi Express


Gold Pass holders

First AC Coupe or four berths in 2-AC

Four seats in Executive Class / Chair Car


Silver Pass holders


One berth in First AC for self and one extra berth for the eligible family member on payment of 1/3rd difference of the fare between 1st AC and 2nd AC of Rajdhani Express Trains


One berth in First AC for self &one berth in 2nd AC for the eligible family member


Two berths in 2-AC


 four berths in 3-AC

Two seats in Executive Class or four seats in Chair Car


Metal & First ?A? pass holders (Pay Rs.14,300/- & above)


One berth in !st AC for self & one berth in 2nd AC for the eligible family member

  or 2 berths in 2nd AC

  or 4 berths in 3rd AC


Two seats in Executive Class or four seats in Chair car.


Metal and I A Pass holders with pay below Rs.14,300

 1 berth in 2 AC for self and one extra berth for the eligible family member on payment of 1/3rd difference of fare between 2 AC and 3 AC of Rajdhani Express trains  or 2 berths in 3 AC

Two seats in AC Chair Car


First Class Pass holders

One berth in 3- AC

One seat in AC Chair Car

Note : Gold Pass holders are entitled to coupe accommodation even when travelling alone and can also take their family members in the coupe in Rajdhani Express trains.

The Serving officers who were drawing pay of Rs. 4,500 and above in the IVth CPC scales of pay and were entitled to one berth in 1st AC/ 2 berths in 2nd AC / 4 berths in 3 - AC in Rajdhani Express during the period 1.1.1996 to 31.1.1999 will continue to get the same entitlement even if their pay in the revised scale of pay falls short of Rs. 14,300/-

Substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. E(W)93PS 5-1/1, dated 16.2.2004 (RBE 30/2004


 Authority: Bd?s letter No.E(W)2007 PS5-1/3(A) dated 4-5-2007 (RBE No.73/2007) SCR. Serial circular No.78/2007)




Kit Pass for transporting his personal effects on the following scale:







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