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 For All LDCE Exam
 Official Language

- Official Language Policy,

- Act, Rules,

- Incentive Schemes etc.

 Syllabus - Establishment Syllabus - Financial Rules




Professional Subject

1 Organization of Stores Dept. on Zonal Railway & Production Units.


2 Objectives of Stores Dept. in brief.


3 Functions of the Principal Chief Material Manager (PCMM) & other officers assisting him.


4 Cannons of Financial Propriety & its application to Stores Matters.


5 Delegation of Powers:

i) Its need & necessary safeguards

ii) Powers of PCMM & other officers for:

(a) Purchase,

(b) Sale,

(c) Write off,

(d) Other misc. matters


6 Purchase of stores:

i) Important Stages in purchase cycle

ii) Purchase Policy & Rules of IR and GFR Provisions

iii) Channels & Procedures of purchase of indigenous stores

iv) Modes of tendering [including PAC purchase] & their limitations

v) Tender consideration;

a) Price determination (Reasonability/Workability)

b) Negotiations, Cartel Formation & related instructions

c) Concept & constitution of Tender Committee

vi) Purchase of M&P/RSP items including CMC

vii) Emergency Purchases

viii) Basics of iMMS & e-Procurement

ix) Procedures/Manuals related to iMMS and IREPS

x) Procurement through GeM

xi) Reverse auction

xii) Price variation clause and its operation

xiii) Buy back system of purchase

xiv) Green procurement

xv) Composite contracts and strategic procurement


7 Purchase through Centralized agencies like:

Railway Board, BLW, CLW, etc.


8 Procedure of purchase from other Govt. Dept. in brief


9 Govt. Policy of Preference:

a) Purchase/Price Preference

i) Micro & Small Enterprises

ii) Items reserved for procurement from MSEs

b) Purchase Preference as per Make in India Policy

c) Special benefits available to MSEs


10 Supply Contracts:

i) Important provisions of Indian Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act and GST Act

ii) IRS Conditions of Contract, General Conditions of Contract

iii) Force Majeure Clause

iv) Preparation of bid documents, special conditions, price variation and eligibility criterion etc for


a) Rate/Running & Fixed quantity/Long term contracts


b) Service Contract c) Annual maintenance Contract d) EPC Contract


v) Online submission of EMD & SD

vi) PO Draft/Numbering Scheme & vetting considerations

vii) Contract Management

(1) Extension of DD/Modification of PO

(2) Penalties for breach of contracts (LD, GD, RP)

viii) Settlement of Disputes

a) Arbitration Clause in IRS Conditions

b) Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 including Amendment Act, 2019

c) Dispute resolution between two Govt. Deptt. Or (CPSU)


11 Import of Material:

 i) Direct import by Zonal Railways/Production Units

ii) Import through Railway Board

iii) Types of Import Contracts: FOB, CFR, CIF & DDP etc.

iv) Modes of Payment, Letter of Credit & its types

v) Sea & Air freighting of Railway Materials & Insurance Covers

vi) Port clearance of imported consignments

vii) Claims settlement

viii) INCOTERMS (latest edition)


12 Strategic Sourcing (Rational Source Selection):

a) Registration of firms on Railways and IREPS

b)Vendor performance evaluation; Vendor rating; Penal Action against vendors; Alternatives available with Railways, PUs

c) Registration by RDSO

d) Supply chain concept — relevance to Railways especially PUs


13 Important Statistics on Stores matters:

a) Submitted to Railway Board, periodically

b) Included in Railway Board's annual report & GM's Narrative Report

c) Yardsticks to measure efficiency of Stores Dept.


14 Stores Budget:

a) Compilation & various review/amendments to the budget during the financial year

b) Controls to adhere to the budget provisions, Exchequer control

c) Control over stores expenditure to minimize working expenses

d) Purchase Grant

e) Zero Base Budgeting (ZBB)


15 ISO Certification/ 5S Certification/ 6 Sigma Certification:

Procedure for obtaining the certification & subsequent compliance for continuation of the same:

a) For Purchase Office,

b) For stores depot


16 Paperless Working:

a) e-Office

b) Digitally signed electronic reports in Imms (Integrated Material Management Information System) and IREPS


17 Online acceptance of tenders:

 Technical Scrutiny, Tender Committee Minutes preparation& Tender acceptance/Direct acceptance, Letter of Acceptance generation and auto generation of Purchase order


18 Procedure for keeping/ retention /destruction of official records


19 Stores Depots:

a) Location

b) Functions

c) Typical Layout of a stores depot


20 Design Aspects of a Typical Stores Depot/ Warehouse:

 a) Important parameters to be considered for design

b) Space Management

i) Buildings, Yards, Roads

ii) Various types of storage arrangements

c) Materials Handling:

i) Equipments

ii) Unit piling, container/pallet systems

iii) Vertical storage system

d) Important Fire Safety aspects & Latest fire fighting Techniques

e) Security Arrangements to prevent & action called for by the Depot Officer in case of incidence of the following:

i) Theft

ii) Pilferage

iii) Misappropriation

iv) Provision of CCTV in Stores Depots/Divisional Depots

f) Procedure for locking & sealing of wards/go-downs in a depot and depositing/collecting the keys g) Gate Pass


21 Depot Organization:

a) Functions/Responsibilities of Depot Officer & Subordinate Staff

b) Various sections of stores depot, its functions & working procedures


22 Receipt & Accountal of materials:

 a) Procedure for receipt & accountal, in a depot

b) Consequent clearance of purchase suspense

c) Accounts checks on suppliers' bills

d) Purchase Suspense/Sales Suspense


23 Inspection of Stores:

a) Inspection Techniques

b) Various Agencies for Inspection of Railway Materials

c) Acceptance of material against WTC

d) Inspection at firm's premises & Inspection at Depot

e)Rejection of pre-inspected materials and procedure for joint inspection

f) Disposal of rejected materials

g) Warranty Claim Procedure


24 Sampling for Inspection:

a) Sampling Methods

b) Indian Standards relating to Sampling


25 Testing Methods of common materials used by Railways like Steel, Rubber, PVC Items, Rexin, Oils, Paints, Non-ferrous items


26 Receipt & Issue of Stores on iMMS:

a) FIFO Method of Receipt and Issue

b) Procedure of issue of materials from stores depot to consumers other than attached workshops & debiting the indentors for stores issued


27 Properties & Preservation of stores such as:

Rubber Items, chemicals, electrodes, timber, explosive/inflammable items, etc.


28 Imprest Stores:

a) Procedure for issue and supply of Imprest Stores

b) Road contract and its Management


29 Returned Stores through iMMS:

a)   Its receipt & accountal in the depot

b)   b) Valuation of returned stores

c)   c) Monthly Credit Summaries


30 Sale of Railway Materials:

a) SAG Committee Recommendations

b) Survey Committee & its functions for various categories of stores

c) Procedure for condemnation of an asset (M&P items including Motor Vehicle)

d) Procedure for sale by tender

e) Procedure for disposal of scrap by e-auction

f) General & Special conditions of sale

g) On-line payment of BSV

h) On-line payment of EMD

i) Payment Gateway


31 Purchase by Depot/Divisional Officers:

a) Purchase Powers- Local & Cash Purchases

b) Digital recoupment of cash imprest


32 Important Components & its usages: In carriages, wagons, diesel loco, electric loco, Metro coaches, TRD & DMU/EMUs


33 Dispatch of Railway Materials:

a) By Rail, Road

b) By Sea & Air

c) Safeguards against loss/damage in transit

d) Settlement of claims with carriers


34 Inter-depot transfers & Clearance of SINT suspense


35 Stock Verification:

a) By Accounts

b) Departmental

c) Disposal of Stock Sheets


36 Classification of Heads of Accounting & Various Suspense Heads relating to Stores


37 Codification:

i) Stores nomenclature & price lists (Unified & Non-unified)

ii) Unified Vendor Code

iii) Consignee Code

iv) Advantages of codification


38 Standardization & Variety reduction


39 Provisioning & Recoupment of Stores:

a) Maxima Minima Method

 b) Annual Review Method

c) Main Depot-Sub depot arrangement

d) Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

e) Lead time & Safety/Buffer Stock

f) Computerized forecast of demand/consumption for stock-recoupment (Generation of Estimate Sheet)

g) Various forecasting statistical techniques


40 Inventory Management:

a) Types of inventories

b) Various Inventory models:

i) The Basic (EOQ) Model: Constant Demand & Lead Time

ii) Variable Demand but constant Lead Time

iii) JIT Inventory Model

c) Computer as an aid to inventory control & inventory management

d) Inventory reports in iMMS & its use for inventory control

e) Selective Control Techniques:

i) ABC, VED, FSN & XYZ analysis for inventory control & improvement in service levels

ii) Related multi-criteria matrix

f) Inventory performance indices on IR

g) Over stock, Inactive & Surplus Stores

i) Definitions

ii) Reasons for accrual & its disposal

iii) Steps for prevention


41 Computerized Price Ledgers:

a. Preparation of Price Ledgers: Role of Stores Depot

b. Book Average Rates c. Debiting the indentors for cost of materials issued & preparation of Debit Summaries


42 Audit: Narrative Reports, Special Letters, Factual Statements, Draft Paras & its disposal.


43 Accounts: Accounts Objections, Special Reports, Stock Sheets, Inspection Reports Pt I & II.


44 M&P, RSP and Works Program


45 Features of MS-Word, Excel, PPT


46 Exception Reports and Action Documents generated on iMMS.


47 Computerisation of User Depot and Integration with iMMS/IREPS (User Depot Module)



 Syllabus for Establishment Rules (For All LDCE Exam)


1. Organization of the Personnel Department in Railways objectives functions and policies of Personnel Department.

2. Recruitment and Training, Classification of Services,

- Recruitment in Different services,

- Railway Recruitment Boards & Railway Recruitment Cells,

- Compassionate Ground Appointments,

- Initial & In Service Training,

- Refresher Courses,

- Central Training Institutes,

- Training Centers in Zones, Divisions & Workshops,

- Training Modules for different posts,

- Training under Apprentices Act,

- Online Training,

- APARs.

3. General conditions of service in Railways,

- Seniority,

- Lien,

- Inter Railway & Inter Division transfers,

- Deputation,

- Promotion Policy & methods.

- Selection,

- Suitability, - Trade Tests,

- Leave Rules,

- Pass Rules,

- Joining Time

- Reservation policy,


- Overtime,

- Payment of wages,

- current CPC Pay Rules,

- Advances in Railways.





4. Manpower planning,

- Rightsizing & Benchmarking,

- creation, extension and surrender of posts,

- creation of posts against new assets,

- different types of posts including workcharged posts.

5. The Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1968 and related instructions.

6. The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 and related instructions.

7. Retirement benefits,

- qualifying service,

- pension,

- family pension,

- commutation gratuity,

- new pension scheme.

8. Staff welfare,

- SBF,

- Railway institutes,

- Railway schools,

- Ex-gratia payment,

- Incentive Bouns Scheme,

- Staff Grievances Redressal Mechanisms.

9. Industrial relations in Railways,

- recognized trade unions,

- industrial disputes.

- The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

- The Industrial Relations Code, 2020.

- The Trade Unions Act, 1926,

- PNM,


- JCM,

- Various Associations & Informal Meetings.

10. The Factories Act, 1948.

- The workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.

- Functions of Labour Enforcement Officers,

- Right to Information Act.

11. The scope of Information Technology in Railway

- e – office.


- IPAS ,




- ANUBHAV etc.


 Syllabus - Financial Rules (For All LDCE Exam)


1. Parliamentary Control over Railway Finance,

- Public Accountability,

- Cannons of Financial Propriety.

2. Railway Budget

- Budgetary terms,

- Types of Budgets,

- Budget cycle,

- Demand of Grants,

- Budgetary and Financial Reviews.

3. Rules of Allocation

- Classification of expenditure

- Control of expenditure

- Responsibility Accounting

- Performance Budgeting

- Exchequer Control

- Financial Results of Working lines.

4. Works Programme

- Financial justification of Works

- Surveys

- Preparation of Estimates

- Capital Budget

- Control over Capital Expenditure

- Reappropriation of Funds.

5. Financial control over Stores Expenditure

- Purchase and Stores Keeping Procedure

- Inventory Control and ABC Analysis.

6. Financial & Cost Control in Railway Workshops/Sheds/Units.

7. Rules and procedure relating to Tenders and contracts for execution of works and Procurement of Stores, M&P Programme and RSP.

8. Procedure for Possessing and finalizing Audit Objections and Draft Paras.

9. Delegation of Powers.

10. Losses, Frauds and Embezzlements.

11. General Financial Rules

12. Government e-Market (GeM)

13. Classification of Railway Revenue (Earnings)

14. Information Technology in general with specific reference to Railway's IT Applications

15. Taxation matters with special focus on GST & Income Tax

16. Organization of CGA and C&AG

17. Any other topic felt necessary from time to time