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Railway Circulars & Order | Important Circulars For Railway Employee |
Railway Board & RBE Orders 2025 | Vigilance Circulars, Rules & Manual | |
25/2024 |
No. E(MPP) 2024/1/7 dated: 04-04-2024 |
Transfer of Non-gazetted posts for new TRD assets. |
24/2024 |
No.2024/F (E)III/PN1/1 dated: 08.03.2024 |
Allowing female railway servant/female pensioner to nominate her child/children for family pension in precedence to her husband in the event of marital discord leading to filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing of a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or India Penal Code-reg. |
20/2024 |
No.E(NG)II/ 202tRC-4tr Dated: 01.03.2024 |
Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis. |
19/2024 |
No.E(MPP)/ 2023/3/23 dated: 20.02.2024 |
Course curriculum for Electrical and TRD for outsourced staff for PSS and PMS |
18/2024 |
Conduct of GDCE Examination. |
17/20224 |
No.E(NG) I/2023 /PM1/12 dated: 16.02.2024 |
Modification/ cancellation of indents placed for GDCE examination. |
16/2024 |
E(GP)2022/ 2/20/PwBD dated: 14.02.2024 |
Reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) in promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts. |
14/2024 |
No.E(NG)I- 2022/PM13/ 1Part-1 (e- 3406546) dated : 09.02.2024 |
Channel of promotion for Ministerial and Non-ministerial cadre in the Stores Depot. |
Download |
13/2024 |
No.E(GP) 2022/2/20 dated: 08.02.2024 |
Reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) in promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts- clarification regarding |
12/2024 |
No.E(NG)II/ 2020/ RC-4/2(Pt.2) dated: 08.02.2024 |
Engagement of retired State Government officials in exigencies of services in projects where land acquisition is involved. |
11/2024 |
No. E(NG)I/ 2022/PM1/36 dated: 08.02.2024 |
Amendment to para 219 of IREM , Vol.I |
09/2024 |
No. E(NG)-II/ 2024/RR-1/4 dated: 06.02.2024 |
Relaxation in upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways. |
08/2024 |
No. E(NG)-II/ 2024/RR-1/4 dated: 30.01.2024 |
Relaxation in upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways. |
07/2024 |
No.2020/F(E) II/AL1/1 dated: 19.01.2024 |
Rates of Daily Allowance for official tours aboard-reg. |
06/2024 |
No.E(NG)I/2019/ PM4/8.(E-3417344) dated: 18.01.2024 |
Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs) |
05/2024 |
No.E(NG)I/ 2022/PM1/36 dated: 16.01.2024 |
Centralized Computer Based Test(CBT) for selections /LDCEs. |
04/2024 |
F(E)I/ 2017/AL-4/3 dated: 11.01.2024 |
Modification in the existing rate of Conveyance allowance-reg. |
03/2024 |
No. E(MPP)/ 2019/03/46 dated: 09.01.2024 |
Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Civil Engineering Department |
02/2024 |
No. E(MPP)/ 2019/03/46 dated: 09. 01.2024 |
Revised Training Modules of Non-Gazetted Staff of Civil Engineering Department. |
01/2024 |
No. E(G) 2023/HO 1-2 dated: 04.01.2024 |
Grant of honorarium to the Railway Officers/Staff for setting of question papers for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’. | Download |
52/2024 |
E(P&A)II/ 2024/ Misc/1 दिनांक: 02.04.2024 |
Sharing of information regarding favourable judgement passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras vide order dt.02.02.2024 in the matter of payment of 55% add-on pay element to CLIs for computing retirement benefits. |
04.04.2024 |
48/2024 |
PCVII/2022 /HRMS/34 दिनांक: 22.03.2024 |
Launch of e-SR module of HRMS – reg. |
02.04.2024 |
41/2024 |
A(E)/A3/ 2023/10/2 : 07.03.2024, RBA No. 07/2024 |
Modification in Appendix-Ill of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.l (Revised Edition 1989) |
13.03.2024 |
35/2024 |
2022/2/ 20/PwBD दिनांक: 27.02.2024 |
Group ‘B’ Selection (70%) – Relaxations available to PwBD candidates. |
29.02.2024 |